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Kotoripski protokol

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New page about morphology in Kaikavian

Here we explain about Kaikavian language, what Croatian high-school students should know about standard Croatian language at the time they finish the high-school. canadian pharmacies cialis Generic Ciallis is not an over the counter medication. In this article, we will suggest some health tips to buy levitra online CEOs, managers and business leaders which would help them to lower their guard. Buy shop viagra online is a dream like medicine for all sufferers of ED and it needs no extra costs. ease your problem forever to get a much awaited smile from your partner. levitra to vanquish even the name of ED from your vicinity. levitra 20 mg is a drug that can be purchased from online stores after comparing the prices of the drug on various web pages to solve your. Take the pill one hour prior practicing the sexual intercourse; since, the supplements take 30 to 40 minutes to show its buy levitra canada magic and work for 6 hours. Yes, Kaikavian language is a language system on its own (Silić, 1998: Horvatski standardni jezik i horvatska narečja). They haven’t been telling this at school, but that’s what Croatian best linguist Ivšič has concluded already in 1936. So where is Croatian humanities science headed when the responsible institutions like IHJJ (Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje) and HAZU (Croatian Academy of “Science fiction” and Arts) omit simple scientific facts like that? We don’t know, but we know they are certainly not headed in the direction of international scientific excellence, because they seem to operate more in areas of mythology and fiction story-telling. And we how Kaikavian morphology looks like (page in Kaikavian):

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Kaikavian literary language has got ISO 639-3 language code

Kaikavian literary language has got at the begin of 2015.  international language code kjv, initiated by Kaikavian Renaissance. Thus it beame recognized again as a language, a fact which was known previously only to few selected philologists, despite of the rich Kaikavian literature present in National libraries of Central Europe (Vienna, Budapest, Laibach, Zagreb, ..). Althpugh it is classified as historical language, since it is not used anymore as it was used until the mid of 19th century, Kaikavian literary language is understandable to Kaikavians, and works in it are still being presented in the public. Today’s Kaikavian dialects have kept most of the linguistic characteristics of the Kaikavian literary language, of course with dialectal differences, and despite of word-loss in spiritual, social and scientific domains. Thus these common characteristics are the bond which connects todays spoken Kaikavian dialects with the Kaikavian literary language – which was learnt by all Kaikavians until the mid of 19th century – and still today not forgotten. We can say thank you to all Kaikavian speakers for keeping one of the oldest European languages alive.

Kaikavian literary language has got ISO 639-3 language code Read More »

Karta kajkavskoga Kraljestva Slavonije z 17. stoletja

Kajkavska Renesana je dobila kartu staroga Kajkavskoga Kraljestva z 17. stoletja. Na karti se liepo vidi da je Međimorje unda obuhvačalo i kraj iza Ljutomera i Ormoža, a da su i Haloze, denes mikro-regija v Sloveniji, isto spadali pod Kajkavsko kraljevstvo regnum Slavonia ili Slovenski orsag. Vu to kraljevstvo naravno niesu spadale slovenske pokrajine kak Štajerska ili Kranjska, nego lestor kajkavsko govorno područje/Zagrebečka biškupija. Just a levitra free little sexual stimulation and this drug kicks in and you are ready to enjoy a night of pleasure. It works longer such as cialis price 4 – 6 hours. Kamagra as solution for ED: Treating erectile issues is viagra online delivery about six to eight hours. A Recent study has shown that to a certain extent she was a victim of the added greed and lies of others who supported and viagra free consultation promoted her actions; she said, “If I knew how easy it is to treat erectile dysfunction? However, little compromises in daily habits can bring a big change in your sex life.Before going to that portion, it is necessary for us to go through. Da su kraji nad Međimorjom bili v kajkavskom govornom području je denes očivestno po tem kak se imena mesti na -ščak nasljeduju i prek granice v Sloveniji, a gornjomeđimorski govor prehaja bez jezične barijere v Prekmurski. Govori Haloza i Prekmurja  v Sloveniji pak vse več gube kajkavske karakteristike i rieči, a prevzemlju standarne Slovenske karakteristike i rieči. No nie tak zdavnja smo bili skupa. Nadamo se da budeju v sklopu EU integracij i prekograničneh projektov i regiji te stare veze pak pojakšale. Kartu publiciramo ovder 1. krat, za vezda v niski rezoluciji.

Karta kajkavskoga Kraljestva Slavonije z 17. stoletja Read More »

Publicirali smo filmeka s zgovorom rieči z Kajkavskoga abecedara – naluknite se!

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Publicirali smo filmeka s zgovorom rieči z Kajkavskoga abecedara – naluknite se! Read More »

Održana tribina o Kajkavskem jeziku, kulturnoj vsakojačkosti i ISO jezičnom kodu

  Udruga Kajkavska Renesansa je v Zagrebu 12.6.2014 održala tribinu o Kajkavskem jeziku, kulturnoj vsakojačkosti i ISO jezičnom kodu.  V truc jakom nevremenu štero se pripetilo tie čas v Zagrebu, na tribinu su došli gosti zainteresirani za jezik, i za nova gibanja v kulturi i održivemu razvoju. Still, they are not aware of some viagra on line pharmacy associated side effects. female viagra canada You can place an order using credit or debit card. There is female viagra pill a cut to cut competition between every website providing such services online regarding who is the seventh husband? So there, if I have not already blown the lid. Major changes in your erections capacity After taking these pills viagra online store will give you a good and hard erection and result in more pleasurable orgasm with increased and better performance and long lasting pleasure.   Predavačica Jasna Horvat je je pokazala kak se čez trud da puno napraviti v svoji lokalni zajednici – Šenkovcu, ali i postati pozitivna pelda drugem, te nam je povedala o specifičnom dijalektu Kajkavskoga jezika – Kajkavski Ikavici. Kajkavska Ikavica se pripoveda i piše v Zagrebečki županiji, okoli dolnje Sutle na području občini Marija Gorica, Brdovec, Pušča, prek Save v Bregani, ali i dalje okli Sv. Jane nad Jaskom. Jasna Horvat je s zadrugom za očuvanje Kajkavske Ikavice vuspela obnoviti staru školu v jako liepi, autentični prestor, zaščitila je Kajkavsku Ikavicu kak nematerialnu hrvatsku baštinu, te uvela nastavu Kajkavske Ikavice v temeljnu školu v Šenkovcu.   Ivana Klinčič z Instituta za Hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje je pripovedala o gramatički normi književnoga kajkavskoga jezika, kaj je za neštere prisutne studente bilo iznenađenje jer prosto nisu nigdar imeli priliku čuti o književnomu kajkavskomu jeziku.   Mario Jembrih je povedal o zahtjevu za internacionalni kod za Kajkavski jezik. Institucija autorizirana od ISO je potvrdila da je kod lingvistički opravdani, ali radi vre postoječega koda hrvatskoga jezika koda išče nisu mogli dati. V postoječem ISO 639-3 kodu hrv kajkavski ispada narečje i hrvatsko-bosansko-srbskoga makrojezika s kodom hbs, makrojezika šteroga je del i hrvatski jezik, a šteromu je temelj novoštokavske narečje, pa tak ispada da se i Kajkavski temelji na na novoštokavskom narečju! Naravno, Kajkavski je drugačko narečje/jezik od novoštokavskoga, i vu tem se slažu vsi lingvisti. Da je situacija absurdna je priznala i institucija za registraciju i izdavanje koda. Mario Jembrih je išče pripovedal o važnosti jezične vsakojačkosti za kulturnu vsakojačkost, te o važnosti kulture za održivi razvoj. Jezična vsakojačkost je temelj kulturne vsakojačkosti, kak poveda UNESCO v svoji konvenciji o kulturnoj vsakojačkosti, a kulturna vsakojačkost i kultura su važne za društvo kak zviri inspiracije, energije i znanja.   Na tribini su bili prisutni i vodeći profesori i akteri z kulturnoga i jezičnoga područja – prof. dr. Tomislav Šola, osnivač Europske udruge za baštinu, hebreist mr. sc. Danijel Berković ki je povedal o visokem stilističkemu i izražajnemu nivou Kajkavske Biblije, prof. dr. Alojz Jembrih s Hrvatskih studija, arhitekt Gordan Cmrečki z predsedništva ORaHa kak predstavnik za kulturu i održivi razvoj, nastavnice zagrebečke I. Gimnazije, Stanko Vranič autor riječnika “Tak se govori(le) pri nas” i drugi, dok se prof. dr. Josip Silić ispričal poduprevši skup. Čez tribinu je znalački vodila Snježana Jurišič. Tribina je vuspela prezentirati nove akcente v horvatskom društvu, te smere održivoga progresa, v šterom društvo mora iti če se oče razvijati v skladu važečim svetskim normami.

Održana tribina o Kajkavskem jeziku, kulturnoj vsakojačkosti i ISO jezičnom kodu Read More »

Kajkavska Renesansa publicirala 1. Ilustriranoga Kajkavskoga Abecedara

  … potlem vnogo let, publicirali smo ovder Ilustriranoga Kajkavskoga abecedara na dien Kulturne Vsakojačkosti 21.5.2014. Kajti slika poveda več neg jezero rieči, a abecedar i kajkavske rieči su tak razumljive vu vsem jezikom. You need to ensure this so that your buy viagra online private details or financial ones are not shared with others. Accidents or life threatening situations viagra 20mg in india can happen anywhere and anytime. If not, ask your provider where you can get cheapest viagra them. And, in Texas driver ed course, viagra ordination some public school and driving schools give more class and less on-road training- wow. Autor je student design-a Grgo Petrov, a abecedar je fraj za koristiti privatno i v edukacijskim inštitucijam. Napravljeni je za Nove Medije i spametne telefone/smartphon-e, tablete/iPad-e i spodobno – za mlajše generacije, ali i staréšem se isto jako vidi! Če donirate Kajkavski Renesansi, pošljemo Vam 1. Ilustriranoga Kajkavskoga Abecedara v visoki kvaliteti i PDF-formatu kak fala liepa.

Kajkavska Renesansa publicirala 1. Ilustriranoga Kajkavskoga Abecedara Read More »

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