Kaikavian literary language has got ISO 639-3 language code

Kaikavian literary language has got ISO 639-3 language code

Kaikavian literary language has got at the begin of 2015.  international language code kjv, initiated by Kaikavian Renaissance. Thus it beame recognized again as a language, a fact which was known previously only to few selected philologists, despite of the rich Kaikavian literature present in National libraries of Central Europe (Vienna, Budapest, Laibach, Zagreb, ..).

Althpugh it is classified as historical language, since it is not used anymore as it was used until the mid of 19th century, Kaikavian literary language is understandable to Kaikavians, and works in it are still being presented in the public.

Today’s Kaikavian dialects have kept most of the linguistic characteristics of the Kaikavian literary language, of course with dialectal differences, and despite of word-loss in spiritual, social and scientific domains. Thus these common characteristics are the bond which connects todays spoken Kaikavian dialects with the Kaikavian literary language – which was learnt by all Kaikavians until the mid of 19th century – and still today not forgotten. We can say thank you to all Kaikavian speakers for keeping one of the oldest European languages alive.

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