Here we explain about Kaikavian language, what Croatian high-school students should know about standard Croatian language at the time they finish the high-school.
Yes, Kaikavian language is a language system on its own (Silić, 1998: Horvatski standardni jezik i horvatska narečja).
They haven’t been telling this at school, but that’s what Croatian best linguist Ivšič has concluded already in 1936.
So where is Croatian humanities science headed when the responsible institutions like IHJJ (Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje) and HAZU (Croatian Academy of “Science fiction” and Arts) omit simple scientific facts like that?
We don’t know, but we know they are certainly not headed in the direction of international scientific excellence, because they seem to operate more in areas of mythology and fiction story-telling.
And we how Kaikavian morphology looks like (page in Kaikavian):